Jeu de guerre de Ornria

"Postings from the Ornrian Wars", or "Warplay with Plastic Armymen"

Back Online!

Greetings! It's so good to have the computer back. I love the internet, really I do. OK, It's been a while since I've paid attention to Ornria's blog, mostly because the computer was at the Doctor's... Over 300 worms and virii! Ugh! Well, there's a lot going on in the Imagination, so before I catch you, my dear reader, up on it all, I'd best make a few background notes. First, an explanation of the Ornrian Calendar. It's not complicated, but Ornria does use a diffrent calendar from the one you most likely are used too. Ornrians are lazy mathematicians so they have a simple calendar. 12 months of 30 days each. Period. The twelve months are named; Frostember, Thawinary, Rainuary, Mudember, Smellgoodie, Swimuary, Sweatember, Griddle, Antember, Piefestober, Chillin (or Chillings), Freezeuary. Back to a normal font now. It's pretty easy to guess the prevailing weather from the month's name hunh? That should give you enough of a grounding to follow the news clippings I've made. Back in Griddle (last summer) I caught this headline in the Polyesterdelphia Daily Snoop;
Hashhaven, Mantississpi
Ed Snoopnose
Today before a crowd of hundreds Marcher Harold, the crowned head of Mantissippi decried the recent raiding of the Poxneedle and Burntwick areas of the country. The People's Democratic Steppe Republic officially repudiates the ethnic Slobbian border raids, but has done little to prevent them. Meanwhile angry locals armed with Molotov cocktails and farm equipment have begun riots in the eastern cities as far north as Untwich and Cob.
Slobbian raiders drive thier Mastodon herds into local farm fields and orchards, the destruction of which has severly hurt the economy of eastern Mantissippi and prompted fears of winter starvation among many eastern residents.
In the Capitol of Diston the Richystog has come close to declaring a state of emergency, but left-wing members of the People's Democratic Party (PeoDep), have so far prevented that drastic measure. Chancellor Snifwiddle's statement on Monday that was seen by many to promise a harsh response was softened by Marcher Harold's pronouncement;
"The March on Mantissippi appreciates the Government of the PDSR's efforts to curb these intrusions, and fully expects it will put an end to them shortly. We are a peaceful and civilized nation, and we are a stalwart nation. Every one of my people has four cheeks, and we WILL present each in turn in the spirit of Peace."
It is to be expected that Mantissipian efforts to maintain peace will continue through the months ahead, despite the eastern provincial unrests. It has been noted that niether country has begun a military buildup, however Mantissippi has despatched a large part of it's state police force to the region.

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