So, just some more models of the Pleasant streets of Polyesterdelphia.
This is the Gueratine Hotel. it's a snobbish place, though lord knows why, the money does not get the guest cleaner sheets, extra towels, un cobwebby light fixtures, and food that won't cause dysentery, but there you have it. the bellboys are as rude as the rest of the staff. I put the burned out version first for personal reasons.The Gueratine Hotel.

Next is the City Garage. it's a rather generic name, but it provides pretty good services. Ono Motopia is the proprietor and Head Mechanic, easy to recognize for his greasy big gray mustache. His wife is the office staff, and she's the one who does most of the electrical I am told.
Next we have the Polyesterdelphia Cinema Odeon. the popcorn is nice and hot...and the jujubees are fine. the movies vary though.
Saturday is the long matinee...