Jeu de guerre de Ornria

"Postings from the Ornrian Wars", or "Warplay with Plastic Armymen"

Navillo's Long History of the Polyester Peoples

     Navillo's "History" is considered the most reliable material on the rise of the Second Republic.   Navillo, Bitchemarie's personal secretary during the early war years until wounded by an assassin's bomb, was in a fantastic position to bring to light the critical situation of  the Mayday Worker's Revolt that threw down the corrupt and inept dregs of the First Republic.
From Navillo Comes this excerpt:
" From the time of the first colonists, the region that would become the modern Freestate has been economically very rich.    The Valley of the Great Soggy Headercard River, and the Potomacandcheese Rivers have made Vynalville and Heavy Flashing two of the most productive farming communities on the continent...."
And this:
   "  Political Power in the Valley has always rested in Polyesterdelphia, not just a seat of a powerful government, but also the home of a thriving art community that has long driven the cultural expression of the Eastern half continent. 
     National Banking started in this city, and the entire Industrial Revolution, (permitted by the great river valley, and easy access to the mines of the Plaster Alps), was funded through those great financial institutions."
"In the wake of the Mayday Worker's Revolt in 1879; bloody riots, factories burned to the ground, and Grandees hung, or tortured to death, it would take a steel hard and ruthless woman to bring the country to peace.  
     Marie-Joan of Spunkdumpling, better known as Bitchemarie, was a factory worker in Pactra where she met Etienne the socialist journalist of Sweat!, the most influential organ of the Socialist movement.  Together they organized the first Union in Pactra; Alliance des salters, des raffineurs, et des fabricants de peinture.  The Alliance immediatly gathered control of municipal Pactra Plant, through bullying, assassination, and strong-arming various union factions. Organization came easy to Bitchemarie, and her industry, vision, and ruthlessness created a functioning and paid army in little time.  
     With training from Colonal d'Avance Rupert Mongovrap the Army of the Alliance moved swiftly on Junction City, sweeping away the remnants of the National Army.  In fact most of the unpaid National Army elements hastily switched sides, providing much needed experience and training to what had been a near mob.
     With Junction City secured the Alliance had gained a secure industrial base capable of supplying all the needs of the burgeoning army."
Navillo goes on to record:
"     17 trying years of difficult fighting, political maneuvering, and familial infighting had brought the Marian family to supremacy in the hegemony of Polyesterdelphia. 
     The Testorton Delta occupied to the expense of the Queendom of Illee,  The Plaster Alps firmly ripped from the clutches of the Dukes Imperial of Montaigne,  and a strong northern drive of armored cars and the new canvas and wood biplanes that would eventually wedge a finger of the Marian Hegemony between the Steppe people and the theocratic wanderers of the Hemmerian tribes.
     Having Obtained dictatorial control of the organs of state Bitchemarie was faced with the most difficult task of all.  Creating a firm and lasting state, one founded on her view of Socialist principles; equality, freedom, and economic security.  Aware of her shortcomings in diplomacy and the tenuous nature of her hold on the country.  Saddled with a family of dim, scheming, and ignorant relatives the only real choice was a reconvention of the Camera Republica.  
     The Second Republic was reinstated Mayday of 1897.  It's first Director-General was Bitchemarie, who took the name Simone, and officially stood down in 1899, allowing general elections of the Camera to choose the succession of Director-Generals to this day."

Vertel's Zeitung des Ornrian kleinen Insel-Kontinentes

From Vertel's Ornrian Gazette comes this excerpt:
" The Second Polyester Freestate. 
population - 2000000 Plastic Civilian People.
 Spunkdumpling, pop - 22,000
Heavy Flashing, pop - 14,000 
Vynalville, pop - 18,000
Bad Mouldings, pop - 14,000 
Paperclip Landing**, pop - 26,000
Rubberband Experimental Airstation, pop - 22,000 
Ejection Pin Junction*, pop - 16,000
Pactra Plant*, pop - 22,000
Vynal Parachuteguy Deployment Center Delta**, pop - 12,000
Testorston*, pop - 20,000
Roach Harbor**, pop - 14.
The official Currency of the Freestate is the Bille-Courrancis (çß),  available in 1, 10, 100, & 1000 bills.   A large coin, the Toquien is available in 1/10 increments of a Courrancis.
TOTAL INCOME IN Courrancis: çß282,000 /month MILITARY BUDGET per month; çß28,200 /month
    The Second Polyester Freestate is a Republic that carves out a swath from the Windy Wave Wash to the great Shell Sea.  It is perhaps the most industrial Ornrian nation.  In many ways it is also the most centrist and stable state on the island-continent."